Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wanna Play A Game?

JackJack:  So exactly how do we put together Peapod's costume?
Pumpkinspice:  This year we're going to make him his own costume.
Jeep:  Can't we just buy him one?
Pumpkinspice:  Well yeah, but why when we can make him one that he can keep for years to come.
JoeJoe:  Sure, sure.
Pumpkinspice:  Ok Jeep, the instructions say you need to cut the pattern out.
Jeep:  Poke me with that yard stick again, and I'm gonna snap it and you like a twig.
Pumpkinspice:  I'll tell Mom on you!  SheepSheep you're in charge of sewing, JoeJoe and ApeApe are in charge of placing the decals, and JackJack is in charge of ironing.  Let's get a move on it, we only have 5 hrs before the trick or treaters get here.
3 hours later...
Jeep:  So what's everyone going as for Halloween?

ApeApe:  I'm going as Pinhead from the movie Hellraiser!
Jeep:  That's pretty impressive.
JackJack:  Just don't drop any of your pins, last thing we need is to take Peapod to the emergency room for swallowing one on Halloween.

Jeep:  What about you JoeJoe?
JoeJoe:  Sure, sure.
Jeep:  Ummmm ok?  So what are you for Halloween?
JoeJoe:  Oh, uhhhhhhhh, oh sure sure.  Edward Scissorhands.
JackJack:  Did anyone dress up in a Peapod friendly costume, I mean seriously pins and scissors aren't the best costumes to have around him!
Jeep:  Chill JackJack, it's Halloween.

JackJack:  Well I guess, I'll be the responsible one around here tonight....I'm Batman.
Pumpkinspice:  Did you borrow Peapod's costume from last year?!
JackJack:  No...well maybe...ok fine, but I had too.  I've been busy keeping an eye on Peapod.

SheepSheep:  I'm t-t-the creepy c-c-chic from T-T-The Grudge....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
JackJack:  Now that's kid friendly!
SheepSheep:  W-W-Well at least I-I-I don't have any s-s-sharp objects on me t-t-that could endanger P-P-Peapod's life!
JackJack:  Can't argue with that logic.
Jeep:  Those are all "Child's Play," Check it out, I'm Michael Myers from Halloween.
ApeApe:  Oh that's a good one.
Jeep:  I know, I'm an expert on Halloween.
JackJack:  Well Pumpkinspice, what about you?
Pumpkinspice:  I'm not dressing up this year, I'm going to just hand out candy.
Jeep:  Pumpkinspice is scared of Halloween.
Pumpkinspice:  No I'm not!!!
Jeep:  Oh please, you so are too.  You won't even watch scary movies!
Pumpkinspice:  You can't unsee some things!
Jeep:  Chicken!
Pumpkinspice: Take it back!  TAKE IT BACK!
Jeep:  Don't be a baby, I'm just teasing you!

Chucky Doll:  Oh hi guys, wanna play a game?

ApeApe:  Chucky!!!! Run for your lives!
Jeep:  Every bear for himself!
SheepSheep:  D-D-Don't stab me, I'm t-t-to fluffy to die!
JackJack:  Move your big fat rear Big Teddy!!!

Pumpkinspice: Hahahaha, that'll teach them to call me chicken!  Well Chucky, what do I owe you?
Chucky:  How about you lend me Peapod for a few hours and we'll call it even?
Pumpkinspice:  I don't watch that many horror films, but I did see about 5 bucks?
Chucky:  Fine!
Pumpkinspice:  Good, now do me a solid and go out the back door, don't want them all knowing we collaborated on this little scare tactic.

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