Sunday, December 9, 2012

Peapod's UNSCHEDULED Haircut!!!

Jeep:  OH MY GOODNESS!!! Pumpkinspice!!!!!
Pumpkinspice:  I didn't do it.....

Jeep:  And I suppose those clippers in your hands didn't accidently cut Peapod's hair?
Jeep:  And who's hair is that on the floor?
Pumpkinspice:  Mine?
Jeep:  Since when do you have black, straight hair?
Pumpkinspice:  Fine! I did it, but Mom, Dad, and you should thank me.
Jeep:  Why in the World would we think you for cutting his hair without discussing this with us first?!!
Pumpkinspice:  Because his hair was starting to look like Donald Trump's flyaway comb over!

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