Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Peapod's Revenge

ApeApe: Noooooo! Please Peapod, don't do it!!!!  I swear I won't EVER EVER EVER, and I mean EVER make you sick again!!!  I'm begging you!!!
ApeApe:  Please, somebody, anybody, help me!!  *Gulp* I-I-I can't swim!  *Splash*  I'm allergic to water!  *Gurgle* I'm too cute to die by drowning!
 JeepJeep:  How you feeling little buddy?
Pumpkinspice:  Not so good, I think I caught whatever Peapod had.
Jeep:  Yup your head feels a little warm.
Pumpkinspice:  Did you hear that?
Jeep:  Hear what?
Pumpkinspice:  There it is again.
Jeep:  This is getting serious.  Your fever must be really kicking in cause you're hearing things.
Pumpkinspice:  NO, seriously I keep hearing someone asking for help.
Pumpkinspice:  You can't tell me you didn't hear that Jeep?!
Jeep:  No, you're right, sounds like it's coming from the upstairs bathroom!
Pumpkinspice:  We better go investigate.
Jeep: NO, you stay here.  It sounds like ApeApe.
Pumpkinspice:  NO, I'm going with you.  If ApeApe's involved it could be a trick...and I think I need to use the toilet, my tummy's not feeling so good.
Pumpkinspice:  What are you hollering about?!!!
ApeApe:  Oh thank heavens you heard me, I'm drowning in here.
Jeep:  Last I checked, drowning apes can't talk.
ApeApe:  Well I am and I can't swim, now help me get out of here!!
Pumpkinspice:  Then why did you jump in the bath tub in the first place if you can't swim?!  That just seems dumb if you ask me!
ApeApe:  Peapod threw me in here!  Now can we discuss the details later, like after you get me out?!
Jeep:  Peapod's downstairs, and he's been down there for over an hour.  Don't blame him for your stupid mistakes!!!
ApeApe:  That's what I've been trying to tell you!  He brought me up here for bath time and I've been in this bath tub for the past hour, screaming for help.
Pumpkinspice:  Oh that reminds me Jeep, Mom said something about fishing out a critter from the bath tub.
Jeep: Watch your tone!!  It's ok Pumpkinspice, you're not feeling too good, let's get you back downstairs and I'll make you some chicken noodle soup.
Pumpkinspice: Can I have some saltine crackers too?
Jeep:  Sure thing, I'll even get you a nice tall glass of ginger ale too...oh and ApeApe, unplug the bath tub while your in there.
ApeApe:  I CAN'T SWIM!!!
Jeep:  Just put your feet under your body.
ApeApe: ....oh....
Pumpkinspice :  And don't forget to put the toys away while your at it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Making The Pledge

SheepSheep:  W-w-what's everyone lining up for?
Pumpkinspice:  JackJack decided everyone should make their pledge to Peapod again since some of you guys had to take a bath.
SheepSheep:  P-p-pledge?  How do w-w-we pledge?
Jeep:  Well, basically you sit still while Peapod drools all over your mouth.  Mom says it's an open mouth kiss and is perfectly normal for his age, but between you and me I think he just likes to put everything in his mouth just for the heck of it.

JackJack:  Alright, alright, settle down.  Now we're going to do this in an orderly fashion.  No cutting, no pushing, and no rushing Peapod. 
ApeApe:  Is this really necessary?!
JackJack:  Well ApeApe, seeing as you were the reason we all had to have a bath, yes it is necessary!  Peapod is like all other bears, he relies on his sense of smell to identify family members.  Which is why it's so important for all of us to get his scent ALL over us.  Any other questions?
Cookie Monster:  Cookie?
JackJack: can have cookies when Peapod is done.  Any other questions?
JoeJoe:  Uh, we get nap afterwards?
JackJack:  Good question, not immediately.  Our next scheduled nap time is when Peapod gets tired and his Mom takes him upstairs for his nap, at that time you may take a nap or watch tv.  Alright everyone, get in line and remember the rules!

VeVe: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
SheepSheep:  T-t-this is f-f-f-fun!!!

VeVe:  Did you see me guys, did you see me?!
Pumpkinspice:  Yeah!  Peapod totally took you and SheepSheep on a joy ride around the playpen.
VeVe:  It was AWESOME!!!!!
Ms. Monkey:  Hmmpphhh, you're not that special, I go on joy rides ALL the time with Peapod!
VeVe:  Yeah, but did he take YOU on a joy ride after you made your pledge?!
Ms. Monkey:  Of course not, he has to make time for little dogs like you.  He and I will have our own special time!
Jeep:  Ms. Monkey I think you're a little to attached to Peapod.  It's okay for him to play with the others and give them kisses you know.
Ms. Monkey:  Don't be ridiculous, he didn't give anyone kisses except for me.  He opens his mouth and generously lets the others put their noses in his mouth...that doesn't constitute as an open mouth kiss.  He only kisses me, because I am his soul mate.
Pumpkinspice: Ms. Monkey I'm sorry, but you need to snap back to reality, you're his playmate NOT his girlfriend.
VeVe:  Yeah!!!!
Ms. Monkey:  Watch yourself DOG, I can be your worst enemy if you push me too far.
VeVe:  I may be a dog but Peapod needs to put you on a leash!
Ms. Monkey:  At least I'm not likely to give Peapod fleas!
VeVe:  Yeah well...well...I at least have legs which means I can walk away while you just float there with your silly blankey!
Ms. Monkey:  Why...I...I...I never! The nerve!!!
Jeep:  Wow, did that just happen?
Pumpkinspice:  I give it to Peapod, he's only 11 months and he already has two girls fighting over him!
Jeep:  He takes after me, all chicks go wild and run around crazy when I'm around.
Pumpkinspice:  You're not wearing pants Jeep, I'd go wild and runaway too.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Virus Pandemic...da da da!

While on vacation, ApeApe thinks quietly to himself...
ApeApe:  This little vacation hasn't been so bad.  I guess its a good thing Peapod never got sick when I rubbed him with my home made virus.  Since he didn't get sick before we left, I guess that means he won't get sick after all, and that means no one has to know I did it.  Life is good.
A few days later...

JackJack:  Troops there's been a virus pandemic, according to the news everyone's getting sick with a 48hr virus.  I've also been in contact with several other bears and they've informed me that their charge has been sick too.  It seems this is a full blown pandemic!  Now we all know, Peapod is exposed to very little germs, but somehow he got sick and I have a strong feeling someone in our party exposed him to this illness.
VeVe:  Boss, no one has left the house since you guys were away, and no one was allowed entry while you were away either.
Ms. Monkey:  Will my Peapod survive?
JackJack:  Yes he's recovering quite nicely and his Mom is taking aggressive action by disinfecting the entire house.
SheepSheep:  A-a-a-aggressive act-t-tion?!
JackJack:  That's why I assembled all of you together.  All of us sitting here have been exposed to Peapod and his virus which means we are now contaminated.
Skittle Monkey:  Oh no, we're going to DIE!!!!
JackJack:  Snap out of it Skittle Monkey, no one's going to die...but we do need a bath.
JoeJoe:  A bath?! As in we have to get into the White Machine of Suds?!
JackJack:  It's alright, I've entered it several times and as you can see I'm still here with no adverse reaction.  Now buddy up, and be brave my comrades!

JackJack:  Now remember, this machine is perfectly safe, but keep with your buddy at all costs.  Never separate, its easier to deal with the machine if you have a wash buddy.
VeVe:  But what about you boss, who's going to be your wash buddy?
JackJack:  I don't need a wash buddy, I'll be too busy swimming around making sure you guys don't get tangled with each other.
SheepSheep:  A-a-after this can we just dry out in the air?
JackJack:  Unfortunately not, we then have to go into the White Machine of Fluff.
ApeApe:  Oh this is ridiculous!!!!
Ms. Monkey:  Be quiet, we will do whatever we have to for Peapod.  I will not let my boyfriend down and I won't let you or anyone else get him sick again.

JackJack:  Troops, I've spent several hours investigating the virus pandemic and discovered this recipe book.  It clearly notates how to brew a virus and how to implement it for effective damage.  This home grown terrorist was found amongst us; ApeApe, what do you have to say for your actions?
ApeApe:  I wasn't trying to make him deathly ill, I just wanted him to get sick enough that we wouldn't have to go away for the weekend.
Ms. Monkey: *gasp*
VeVe:  For shame, for shame.
JackJack:  So you don't deny these charges?
ApeApe:  No, but no harm done, he's better right?
JackJack:  We got lucky this time, but you will have to be punished for your participation.
ApeApe:  Go ahead, dole out your punishment.
JackJack:  You are responsible for mopping all the floors!
ApeApe:  That's it?!  Easy peasy, I'll just get a few of my buds to help out and then back to play time!

ApeApe:  So which one of you guys are going to help me?  Guys?  Guys?  Come on guys, I didn't mean to hurt Peapod bad, I just wanted him to be a tiny bit sick so we could have a nice weekend just hanging out and playing.  It would have been a mini vacation for us.

ApeApe:  Skittle Monkey what do you say buddy, help me with the mopping?
Skittle Monkey:  I see no evil.

ApeApe:  What about you Ms. Monkey?
Ms. Monkey:  How could you do such a thing?!  I've always tried to take your side, even with your hair brain schemes of toppling Pumpkinspice and Jeep, but this, this is just to horrendous to even consider condoning!!!  He's the love of my life, my boyfriend, and you made him sick!
ApeApe:  Well fine...and just so you know, it would never work out for you and Peapod, you're a monkey and he's a bear....and I've seen him kissing other girls on the playmat too!
Ms. Monkey:  Lies!!! All LIES!!!!!

ApeApe:  Well ol' buddy, I guess the floor mopping is between you and I.
JoeJoe: Nope nope.  Just you.
ApeApe:  But, but, we're buddies.
JoeJoe:  Hurting Peapod not nice, not nice at all.  You mop, I play.
5 hours later....

ApeApe:  This punishment sucks!  I actually think it's worse than Jeep making me Peapod's Drool Toy!  Never again, never ever again will I brew a virus recipe.  Hope there's still time for play time.
Personal Note from Pumpkinspice and Jeep:  Thank you to all the Veterans for serving and thank you to all those still serving.  Without your selfless sacrifice, we wouldn't be free Bears, you all are truly our Heroes!  Happy 4th of July!!!!