Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Easter Bunny Does Exist!

Pumpkinspice:  Stop fooling around and pass me the blue grass.
Jeep:  Why?  You've got the basket taken care of.
Pumpkinspice:  I sure hope the Easter Bunny doesn't get mad at me for making Peapod his Easter basket.
Jeep:  Don't be silly, there is no such thing as a Bunny that travels around the World giving children candy stuffed in baskets.  Of all the dumb ideas to give little bears.
Pumpkinspice:  Hmmm, when you put it that way, I suppose you're right.

Jeep:  Well let's get some egg dipping done!
Pumpkinspice:  I'm surprised you didn't through a fit over having to wear another one of my masks.
Jeep:  Nah, that's because I feel like the character from Donnie Darko...kinda like it.  Which color should we dip the egg in Pumpkinspice?
Pumpkinspice:  Shhhh, use my code name.
Jeep:  I will not refer to you using a code name.
Pumpkinspice:  Do it or I'll pour all the coloring on you.
Jeep:  Fine...Mr. play dirty!

Pumpkinspice:  Clearly we did an impressive job for our first time.
Jeep:  Are you kidding...they're masterpieces!!!!!
Pumpkinspice:  Let's go hide these around Peapod's play mat with his basket...

Pumpkinspice:  You told me he didn't exist!!!
Jeep:  Yeah, well I didn't tell you to call yourself Mr. Fluffy!

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