Monday, January 21, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

Special note from Jeep and Pumpkinspice:  Mr. Lewis we've been fans since Baltimore brought the Raven's to our great City.  We support you and our Raven's with every fur of our being.  Thank you for your tireless years of fighting for us in each and every game as if it was your last.  You are a Giant amongst men, and will forever be the foundation and rock in which this Team stands upon.

Pumpkinspice: Whatcha working on Jeep?
Jeep: I'm updating our Blog and writing a strongly worded letter to the Patriots.
Pumpkinspice: Letter to the Patriots? Why, we won last night...isn't it enough knowing we're going to the Superbowl and they're not?

Jeep: You don't understand Pumpkinspice, they started this fight not us!
Pumpkinspice: What fight, they just played us and lost.

Jeep: You didn't see their disgraceful billboard depicting Ray Lewis Retirement party as last if they had an actual chance in defeating The Dark Knight!
Pumpkinspice: Uh Oh!
Jeep: Uh Oh's right, they insulted our City, our Fans, and our Honor...and now we're headed to the Superbowl!
Pumpkinspice: You think Ray Lewis can win it for us?
Jeep: I know he can!
Pumpkinspice: But, he's given everything.
Jeep: Not everything...not YET! 

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