Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm Not Wearing That!!!!

Pumpkinspice:  Awesome, the costumes I ordered came in!
Jeep:  Let me see, let me see...
Pumpkinspice:  Well, aren't they cool or what?!
Jeep:  I'm not wearing that!!!
Pumpkinspice:  Oh you'll wear it, and you'll like it!

Jeep:  This is so embarrassing, we can never show this picture to anyone or I'll never live it down.
Pumpkinspice: Don't be such a party pooper.
Jeep:  Well, I don't see why he got to be Batman and we had to be Peapods...its just stupid.
Pumpkinspice:  Because we have to protect his identity since everyone knows him as Peapod, but if we're Peapods then the villains will never know who he really thinking huh?

Jeep:  Pumpkinspice thinks he's soooo clever, well jokes on him cause I'm the TRUE villain!!!!  Where are you Batman?  I have a back to crack!!!! Muahahaha!

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