Friday, February 14, 2014

Smitty's My Name And Valentine's My Day!

VeVe:  Ruff! Ruff!  There's someone at the back door!  Back door! Back door intruder!  Somebody's at the back door!!!!!
Jeep:  Pumpkinspice why don't you go check it out and see what VeVe is all hyped up about.
Pumpkinspice:  Jeeeeeeep!  You need to check this out!
Jeep:  What?  What is it?

JackJack:  A pink frog with hearts all over's official, I've seen it all now.
Smitty:  Ribbit, my name's Smitty and Valentine's my day.

ApeApe:  Smitty, do you know you're pink and have hearts all over you.  I mean it's not even just a few here and there, no you have tons and I mean tons of hearts ALL over you!
Smitty:  Yes thank you for your astute observation of my particular shade of coloring and further verifying that I'm splattered with if you don't mind, you're encroaching on my personal space, ribbit. 
VeVe:  Who knew pink frogs could be so uppity...wait a minute, his name isn't Smitty!  His name tag is Smittens!
ApeApe:  Oh this is just too good!  A pink frog with hearts on him and his name is Smittens!!!!  I'm dying, this is just the cruelest joke ever!
Smitty:  Yes my name tag is Smittens but I go by Smitty!  And I would greatly appreciate everyone not getting in my PERSONAL space.  I appreciate your hospitality and letting me in, it was quite cold out there but I'm on a Valentine's Day mission.
VeVe:  What kind of mission?
Smitty:  Cupid sent me as a Valentine.
JackJack:  You're telling me the Cherub of Love sent you on a mission this house?!  I thought he only intervened for those in need of a Valentine?
Jeep:  Are you sure you're at the right house?  Maybe you're supposed to go next door, there's a bunch of single guys over there...they definitely need your help.
Smitty:  No Cupid was very specific and sent me here to this house.
Pumpkinspice:  Jeep?  Mom and Dad aren't having marital problems are they?
Jeep:  Don't be absurd!
Smitty:  I'm not here for them kindly point me to the little girl that lives here.
JackJack:  Little girl?
Jeep:  Now I KNOW you've got the wrong house.
Smitty:  There's not a little girl by the name of Peapod that lives here?
ApeApe:  Oh this is just priceless!  Cupid sends a boy frog to our home as a Valentine for our Peapod...who's a BOY!!!! Hahaha!
Smitty:  Wait, Peapod is a boy?!  Oh no no no this won't do!  How am I supposed to be a Valentine for Peapod if he's a boy?!
Jeep:  I hate to break it to you, but even if Peapod was a girl you still wouldn't be his Valentine.
Smitty: Preposterous!! 

Pumpkinspice:  See Smitty, SheepSheep is Peapod's Valentine...well technically she's his cuddle buddy 24/7.  He only has eyes for her, she's his favorite and she's content to be his snuggle buddy.

Smitty:  But, but...then I don't have a Valentine?  At all?
Jeep:  Buck up my little pink friend, there's always next year for you.
Pumpkinspice:  Besides, did you really want to be a Valentine for a boy?
Smitty:  Well no, but it would have been nice to be somebody's Valentine.
Jeep:  Well it's settle then, you can be Mom's Valentine from us.
Pumpkinspice:  Yeah!!!
Smitty:  Smitty's back in business!!!!!  Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!! RIBBIT!

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