Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who Ate My Cookies?!

Jeep:  Mom brought home a new bear for Peapod to play with?!
Pumpkinspice:  What kinda bear is it?!
Crazy Blue Bear:  Cookie.
Pumpkinspice:  You're a cookie bear?
Jeep:  No, I think maybe that's his name.
Crazy Blue Bear:  Cookie!
Jeep:  I know you're name's cookie...we get it.
Crazy Blue Bear:  Cookie!!
Pumpkinspice:  I think he's a little crazy, look at his eyes...we better keep him away from Peapod...
Pumpkinspice:  Hey!  Who ate my cookies?!
Crazy Blue Bear:  Cookie...yum yum.  Me love cookies!!!!
Pumpkinspice: Why you!!!!
Jeep:  Easy Pumpkinspice, don't hurt yourself...besides you can tell he's on a cookie high just by looking in his eyes, and you know junkies are DANGEROUS! 

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