Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Get My Good Side, Please

Pumpkinspice: Why are you staring at yourself in the mirror?
Jeep:  Trying to find my good side.
Pumpkinspice: Oh, that's right- today we're getting photographed by the world famous photographer Jodie Otte.
Jeep: She's not world famous.
Pumpkinspice: Yes she is, she has a website:
Jeep:  Just cause she has a website that doesn't make her world famous.  Besides you don't even know what www stands for.
Pumpkinspice: It stands for World Wide Web, which means she's world famous!
Jeep:  Hmmmm, can't really argue that logic...ok to the World Famous Photographer we go!
Jeep:  Ms. Jodie, can you make sure to get my good side, please?
Ms. Jodie:  What's your good side?
Pumpkinspice:  He doesn't have one and we're not here for you Jeep, this is Peapod's moment....

Pumpkinspice:  Seriously, when will Peapod's body hair come in.  Right now he looks like a naked bear.
Jeep:  Don't worry I already talked to Ms. Jodie about photoshopping some hair on him...after all, we can't have other bears laughing at him when they see his baby photos, THAT would be embarrassing!

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